Everyone has a good story to share

Serrer la main

What would you do if you had to show your work skills, who you are as a person and share a meaningful message, all at the same time ?

My answer to that is Serrer la main : an initiative that allows anybody who wants to to discover new people, cultures and life stories.

Through this project, you will get a glimpse of what I am passionated about as an individual: traveling, meeting people, writing, photography and a couple of other things. But you will also be able to see most of my work skills in action : brand positioning, storytelling, content strategy, copywriting, etc.

That means that if you appreciate Serrer la main, there’s a good chance that you like my overall work. So if you have a project that needs one of the skills listed above, I’d be happy that we shake our hands over it.


(And if you are willing to see a more conventional resume, you can still click here)